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Metro Sports League Rules

This set of rules is established to govern Dodgeball games in the MSL.

Updated August 19th, 2024





The National Dodgeball League rules will be the default for any rule or situation not expressly defined here. The head referee's decision is final.  Teams unable to abide by MSL rules should not participate.




In the spirit of sportsmanship, regardless of the outcome, embrace kindness, have fun, and stay positive. Remember, we are a social league, and nobody wants to take a trip to the emergency room.  Keep a relaxed attitude, engage positively with other players, and respect one another.


Be mindful that no alcohol is permitted in the gym, as it violates our agreement with the facility. Violators risk immediate expulsion to maintain a positive relationship with the facilities and ensure continued permission to use them.


Players suspected of having alcohol in the gym may face permanent bans, affecting both individuals and their teams without refunds. Anyone bringing alcohol, weapons, or controlled substances to the gym faces immediate removal.


Players may be ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct at the head referee's discretion.  MSL reserves the right to suspend players for unsportsmanlike conduct, rule violations, failure to pay dues, or being disruptive, without refund.


These regulations are in place to safeguard players, enhance enjoyment, and foster camaraderie while respecting league partners and establishments.



Team Size and Player Eligibility


​To participate in Metro Sports League, players must be at least 18 years old and sign a waiver.  A full roster consists of a minimum of 10 players with a maximum of 14 players allowed per team.  


Teams must have a minimum of 4 players on the court, including at least one female.


Teams with only one female player incur a 2-point penalty. If a team has no female players, they play with a maximum of 4 male players. Teams may borrow a female player from another MSL team during the regular season, but penalties still apply.


Players cannot be added to a team roster after Week 3, unless authorized by MSL staff.


Players may only play on their registered team, except when filling in with both captains' agreement.




Due to a tight field schedule, games will start on time.  If a team is unable to consistently begin their match on time, penalties such as point deductions, playoff ineligibility, and potential removal from the league will be considered.


Captains must notify the other team and the league at least 24 hours before a forfeit.

Teams forfeiting three or more games are removed from the schedule and playoffs, with no refunds. They may not be allowed to rejoin next season.  Forfeits are scored 5-0.





MSL provides team t-shirts and 6 official dodgeballs for each match.   Athletic shoes are required.

Players must wear matching their team jerseys during games. Shirts should arrive by Week 1, but sizes and ink colors are not guaranteed.  Players registering after the deadline may not receive a shirt or their preferred size.



Game Length and Clock


Games have 13 minutes of running time.  Teams must be ready to play at their scheduled times.  Each team will have 2 games each night. 





Each team has one or two captains responsible for ensuring only registered players participate. Teams fielding unregistered players risk forfeiting the game and expulsion from the league.


Only captains may dispute calls, and must remain calm at all times.


Captains must ensure their team understands the rules and communicate any scheduling or rule changes from MSL.





Each team is assigned to referee 1-3 games per night. The captain designates at least three players for these games.

Teams with fewer than 3 referees are penalized 3 points in their next game.

Other players are welcome to volunteer as referees.

The MSL head referee has a copy of the rules at the gym. Only captains can discuss rules with the referee.

Rule issues not resolved at the gym cannot be overturned after teams leave.





  1. Clearing an entire side earns a point.

  2. At the end of the game, the team with the most active players remaining scores a point. If player numbers are equal, neither team scores.

  3. The team scoring the most points within the 13-minute time period wins.

  4. Regular-season games can end in a tie, but playoff games cannot.





Court Dimensions


The official court dimensions are 60 feet long by 30 feet wide, divided into two 30' x 30' areas.

Each team's re-entry line is a 3' x 12' area, 2-3 feet from the sideline.

While aiming for official dimensions, court size may be adjusted to fit the available space.



Start of Game


Play starts with a whistle or verbal cue once three dodgeballs are placed on each team's three-quarter line and everyone is off the court.

At starts and restarts, each ball must be "cleared" by throwing or carrying it from the three-quarter line back to the baseline before it becomes a live ball.



Active Players


  1. The maximum number of active players on the court is 6, with a maximum of 4 males.

  2. Starting teams need a minimum of 2 females for 6 players, or 1 female for 4 or 5 players.

  3. See Roster Rules for penalties regarding fewer than two females.

  4. A "thrower" is an active player who has thrown a live ball.

  5. A "defender" is an active player on the opposing team of a thrower.



Ball Play


"Live balls" are thrown dodgeballs that haven't touched the floor, ceiling, wall, or other objects.

"Dead balls" are dodgeballs at rest, bouncing, or rolling on the ground.

A "trap" (ball touching the floor and a player simultaneously) is a dead ball, and no one is out.

"Held balls" are dodgeballs held by active players.

Held balls can block live balls, but those blocked balls remain live. A held ball is neither live nor dead.



Kicking/Squeezing a Ball


Kicking a ball towards an opponent or across the centerline results in an out.

Squeezing dodgeballs results in an out. Repeated offenses may lead to an automatic forfeit.




Active players must stay within court boundaries unless retrieving a dead ball or catching an errant live ball.

Players disregarding boundaries may be called out after a warning.



Players on the Sideline

  1. Non-starting players line up on the sideline in re-entry order, with the front closer to the team's backline and the end closer to the center line.

  2. Called-out players go to the end of the line and cannot change order until one side is cleared.

  3. Sideline order can be changed between restarts, but not during play.

  4. Substitutes cannot interfere with play.


Catches & Re-Entry

Catching a live ball eliminates the thrower, and the first player in the re-entry order returns, up to the maximum of six players.

Incorrect re-entry results in the player being out again, going to the back of the line, and no re-entry for the catch.

Active players can catch live balls while holding other dodgeballs.

Catches are valid only if initial ball contact occurs partially in bounds.

Catches with initial contact out of bounds result in no outs.




A thrower is out when a defender catches their live ball.

A defender is out if hit below the shoulders with a live ball (or anywhere if evading, crouching, or on the ground), if a live ball deflects off a held ball and hits their head/neck, if a live ball hits them after hitting a teammate or their held ball, or if a live ball knocks a held ball from their hands and the held ball touches the floor.

Defenders are out if they intentionally leave the court to dodge a live ball or if they make contact with the center line.




Stalling occurs when a team controls four or more balls. Referees should maintain balance.

Referees can warn stalling players/teams, and if it continues, whistle play dead and remove ball possession. If both teams stall, a reset can occur.

Only referees can move balls to speed up the game.





  1. Play restarts as needed before the final 20 seconds of regulation.

  2. There are no restarts in the last 20 seconds.





Playoff formats depend on the league's competitive breakdown and may be split into separate brackets.

Tied playoff games have an extra round. If unresolved after 2 minutes, the team with more players wins. If player numbers are equal, the next elimination decides the winner.





MSL will notify captains about severe weather conditions that might endanger play or travel. If ongoing games must halt due to weather, the league director will decide on restart or rescheduling.


Rescheduled games will be communicated via email to all captains, with potential shifts to other weekdays  for makeups based on field availability.


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